
Success stories

KEYS Participants, Kyron Cole-Jackson, Khaleem Haughton, Emmanuel Swinson, Jaylin Wallace and Jordan Westbury have recently completed Information Technology Training with ASM Educational Center! These Young Men have put in the hours, hard work, blood, sweat and tears and are now officially Microsoft Certified!!!

Each of these Young Men have expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of the KEYS Program and attain necessary tools to become competitive in the Workforce! Mr. Khaleem Haughton has this to say about how The KEYS Program helped prepare him and overcome obstacles on the way to achieve this MONUMENTAL GOAL!

“Sleepless nights I had to grind it out and study, I failed my test 3 times and passed it on the 4th test. The Keys program showed me that I can always achieve anything if I put in the work and believe that I can do it. Go for what you think is going to make you successful and happy in life. If there is a free opportunity take it don’t procrastinate”🙏🏽💯👍🏽👏🏽👌🏾 - Mr. Khaleem Haughton

Are you interested in KEYS FREE Workforce Training and Development Programming or completing Certified Training? Fill out an interest form for more information or email Lakesha Lee, KEYS Outreach and Recruitment Specialist or call 240-695-0303 today!

Success Story of
Janee Williams

Janee Williams – Knowledge Equals Youth Success (KEYS) Program at Employ Prince George's – Success Story – Workforce Development and Adult Learning. Janee Williams, KEYS graduate, mother, devoted daughter, and business owner is currently thriving despite COVID-19.

She has not let the uncertainties of the pandemic stop her from pursuing and achieving her personal or professional goals. Prior to enrolling in the KEYS Program, Janee faced many obstacles to maintaining and providing a comfortable environment for herself and her three-year-old son, Logan. Janee recounts her greatest struggle prior to joining and completing the KEYS Program was financial stability.

Her determination to “thrive not survive” led Janee to enroll in the KEYS Program and stay committed to the eight-week in-house Occupational Skills Training – even excelling at her internship with the City of Mt. Rainier.

After interning for 10 weeks with the city of Mr. Rainer as an Administrative Assistant, Janee’s reporting supervisor fought to have her brought on as full-time staff. She interviewed and accepted an offer from the City of Mt. Rainier for a full-time position with benefits starting at $20/hr. Janee currently serves as Business Development Associate and City Hall Administrative Associate.

Success Story of
Christina Carter

The pandemic of 2020 left me as an 30 year old unemployed mom of 2 girls . With 10 years of experience in healthcare but no certifications or licenses.

I had been employed all of my adult life with references from past employers and supervisors. During the pandemic I watched business after business close down. Realizing all I had to vouch for me was my experience & references I decided that it was time to rethink my career & earn a certificate with my name on it that couldn’t be taken away from me. I went online to PGCC & searched the classes they offered within their Workforce Development program.I settled on the Community Health Worker course. The CHW course was work that I already do and work that I am passionate about. I met Ms. Cromer a career consultant who guided & motivated me along the way from registration, funding and being prepared for training . I completed the course in 3 months & passed my CHW exam earning my certification & making me a Certified Community Health Worker in the state of Maryland . I have already secured employment with a non profit agency that aligns with my passion. I am so grateful for this opportunity to have a tangible certification with my name on it in the midst of these unprecedented times. I am able to provide for my family & do what I love to do . After completing the CHW course I was empowered to pursue my degree in Sociology and have already enrolled in classes for this spring at PGCC. It’s true that we can’t change the world or what’s happening around us but we can change the role we play in the world.

Sincerely Christina Carter

Success Story of
Elijah White
Knowledge Equals Youth Success (KEYS) Program – MD/WDAL – Black History Month

Watch video to know about success story of Elijah White

Success Story of
Harris Floyd
As a recipient of the Rapid Re-Employment Grant, I wanted to take a few minutes to let you know how impactful the grant has been for our business. The grant has enabled us to hire 2 individuals that will not only provide much needed support for our operations, but also be a part of the groundwork for our strategy to grow our business in Prince George’s County.

Mr. Austin, were it not for your tireless efforts and dedication and Sandra Flowe, and the rest of your team, this opportunity would not have been possible for us. Because of you and your team, we are ending the year in a better and stronger position than we might have imagined. As a business owner, I know that this was a team effort headed up by great leadership. I know that you all put in a lot of late nights and weekends to get this done. I could tell because of how responsive you were to my questions, and how quickly the entire program was administered. It was a heavy lift I know, but you all came through with flying colors.

I was excited to be able to extend employment to 2 Prince Georgians, and trust me, they were excited to become a part of our now growing company. This grant has been an amazing lift for our company, and we will not forget how you, your team, and Employ Prince George’s made a difference and a significant impact on our business!

Recent LAYC Success Stories

Yobani Melgar started the program in February of 2017. He was very eager and determined to complete his GED. However, life was getting in his way. He has a small family to support and he needed to work. We were able to allow Yobani to do independent study and tutoring, as attending classes daily were not conducive to his schedule. We were communicating with him and monitoring his progress, but he was reluctant to take the GED exam, although his test scores on the pre-test showed that he should pass. In conversations with the cohort, we informed them that we would have a graduation for all participants that completed their GED the past year.

This was the motivation that Yobani needed. In a matter of a month, Yobani took and passed all 4 sections of the GED! Subsequently, he was able to participate in the graduation. Because of his enthusiasm, excitement, and dedication, one of the program managers approached me about offering an outreach position to Yobani. Without hesitation, I informed her that he would be an excellent candidate. Yobani is now employed as the outreach specialist of our Host Home program. He also is in training to become an AmeriCorp member. We are so proud of Yobani and his accomplishments.

America Lucero started the program in April of 2017. She had graduated High School but was having difficulty moving forward with her employment and post-secondary goals due to her low math aptitude. We were able to assist America in preparing for the placement tests, completing FAFSA applications, and applying to college at University of Maryland Baltimore County. She was accepted. We placed America in an internship with one of our internal programs. She did such a fantastic job, that when our former outreach specialist resigned, we hired America as our Outreach Specialist.

Knowledge Equals Youth Success (KEYS)

Evelyn Harris is a 2009 graduate of the KEYS Workshop Component (now KEYS Innovation Component). She was a great asset to the program the three years she participated. Ms. Harris had a traditional upbringing with a twist. She and her twin brother grew up in foster care where they were raised since the age of nine. Evelyn did not let her past dictate her future.

In May 2015, Evelyn graduated from Morgan State University with a Bachelors of Science degree in Elementary Education. While at Morgan State University, she participated in several organizations; National Council of Negro Women Inc. (NCNW), Diligent, Intelligent, Vibrant, Astute Sisters (D.I.V.A.S.) and National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa KOT Gamma Chapter (education sorority).

She is currently enjoying her first year as an elementary teacher at Takoma Park Elementary School. As one of her hip-hop mentors (Tupac Shakur) wrote “reality is wrong, dreams are for real”, everyday Evelyn is reminded to follow her dreams.

Thank you Ms. Harris for your daily contributions to one community.

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